Today we have a special interview with Nur Arisa Maryam, a Japanese Muslimah (a Japanese woman of the Muslim faith).
When I first learned about Arisa through a Muslim friend in Tokyo, I felt compelled to contact her and share her story. There are so many stereotypes about what it means to be Muslim in Japan, as well as around the world, and just like my other strong and intelligent female Muslim friends, here was Arisa breaking them all down.
Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to Arisa and have her share her journey from a Shinto upbringing in Tokyo to a self-dedicated woman of the Muslim faith.
Take it away, Arisa.
1. Please introduce yourself. 自己紹介をお願い致します。
My name is Nur Arisa Maryam. I’m a Japanese Muslimah. I was not born a Muslim but I reverted to Islam when I was in university after studying it and being moved by the Noble Quran. I was born and raised in Tokyo, but I currently live in the 2nd biggest city of the UK, Birmingham.
私の名前はNur Arisa Maryamです。日本人ムスリマ(イスラム教徒)です。
2. What was life like growing up in your hometown? What kind of religion/beliefs/culture did you grow up in?
どのような生い立ちでしたか。どのような宗教、信仰又は文化の中 で育ちましたか。
I was raised in an ordinary Japanese family in a quiet suburb in Tokyo. Although my family didn’t adhere to a certain religion, they were not atheists. They said to me, “Don’t leave rice. There is a God in it.” When we have something to celebrate such as Shichi Go San, which is a festival for children of three, five and seven years of age, we went to shrines. I also went to a private Shinto school during my junior high school and high school years.
3. What first sparked your interest in Islam?
I majored in Malaysian at my university and the teacher of the Malaysian class was a Muslimah – the first one I met in my life. Through the study of Malaysia, I met many Muslim people. At the time, I realised that Muslim’s way of thinking is very different from us Japanese and was shocked by it; no matter what happens, they live for the sake of the God and have dedicated their worship exclusively to God.
4. When did you decide you wanted to commit to Islam?
When I was in university, I visited a mosque in Tokyo with my Muslimah friends, I was surprised that I saw Islam in Japan. It was the first time for me to see people praying in Japan. Since I had studied Islam for a while in my university, I felt that I knew everything about Islam. But in fact, I didn’t know how to pray in Islam and why Muslims even want to pray. I realised that I had prejudice in my heart which I didn’t have for other religions: Islam is a religion of foreign countries. I thought I had nothing to do with Islam. So I started to wear hijabs and pray with Muslims together to understand Islam.
The more I studied Islam, the more I was impressed by it. One day, when reading the Quran with Japanese translation, I came to know the meaning behind the words for the first time. I suddenly realised that there had always been answers to the questions I had in life. I got to know, through the beauty and rhythm of the Quran and Allah’s mercy, that He knows everything. God, who I always looked for, was always there for me. I couldn’t stop crying at this realisation, and I decided to recite shahaada that same day.
5. You refer to yourself as a Muslim revert. Can you explain a little about the meaning of revert vs. convert?
ご自身のことを「イスラームに戻った者」という表現を使っておら れますが、「戻る」と「改宗」の意味について少し説明して頂けま すか?
In Islam, we consider everyone to be born Muslim. All people are born with a natural faith in God. According to Islam, children are born with an innate sense of submission to God, which is called the fitrah. Because of the family or a particular environment, they grow up to have different faith or become atheists. So a Muslim “reverting” shows the embrace of Islam as a return back to this pure faith in our Creator.
6. What was the reaction of those around you (family, friends) when you reverted to Islam?
ムスリマになったときの周り(家族・友人)の反応はどのようなも のでしたか?
My mother got shocked when I told her I became a Muslimah. She didn’t have any bad images of Islam and Muslims but she couldn’t accept the fact that her daughter became a Muslimah without telling her. As I also took time to understand Islam, she also got confused by my sudden news and she couldn’t understand me. She said to me that I am not her daughter anymore and she didn’t talk to me at all for a while. But I knew this was a normal reaction, so I did my best to make her accept me and think that I became a better person because of Islam. In Islam, it’s very important to have patience and forgive others even though they deny us. I decided to live as a Muslimah, so I tried to have a relationship with my mother in a good way.
My younger sister studied Islam in university and told me that she was happy for me. She explained to her that I didn’t change at all and I just tried to be a better person with Islam. After my mother listened to her, she apologised to me crying.
Regarding my friends, there were some friends who were wondering about my new life as a Muslimah but they didn’t say bad things about Islam in front of me. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God). Thank you Allah for giving me such wonderful friends.
7. What is life like for Muslim people in Japan? Is there understanding of the unique needs you may have as a Muslim person in Japan? For example, are there many places to pray or to shop for and eat halal food?
日本にいるムスリムはどのような生活をしていますか?ムスリム特 有のニーズに対する理解はありますでしょうか?例えば、祈りの礼 拝所やハラールのお店等はありますか?
It was such a good experience to live in Japan as a Muslimah. We have some difficulties in terms of prayer spaces and Halal foods, however, and thankfully, Japan is becoming a country more accepting of diversity and they are welcoming Muslims as well.
These days, many prayer spaces and halal food have been increasing in Japan. If I have the chance, I would like to live in Japan in the future. In Sha Allah (If God wills).
8. What were your favorite places to pray, shop, and connect with your faith and the Muslim community in general in Tokyo/Japan?
東京もしくは日本で、お祈りしたり、お買い物したり、ムスリムの コミュニティーや信仰との繋がりを感じる場所はどこでしょうか。
My favourite place in Japan is Tokyo Camii, which is located in Yoyogi-Uehara, Shibuya, Tokyo.
This mosque is very beautiful and the place where I started my journey to Islam. I can meet many amazing Muslim sisters there and feel a strong sense of sisterhood.
9. How does Tokyo/Japan’s Muslim community differ to the one you find yourself in now in Birmingham/the UK?
今現在いらっしゃる英国バーミンガムと、日本/東京にあるムスリ ムのコミュニティはどう違いますか?
Japan’s Muslim community is very small compared to the UK’s. It’s normal to live with Muslims in the UK. There are far more mosques and halal restaurants here. It’s much easier to find halal food too, to the extent that you can even find them in normal supermarkets.
Japan doesn’t have many Muslims and there are still very few Islamic events and places. But I always look at this situation positively when I am in Japan. I feel that Muslims quite often greet each other much more – even if they don’t know each other. I think It’s also a lot easier to become friends because we’re such a minority in Japan.
10. Would you like to see anything change in regards to how Islam is perceived in Japan? What advice would you like to give to those interacting with Muslim people in Japan?
日本でのイスラームに対する認知について何か変わってほしいこと はありますか?日本のムスリムと交流がある人にアドバイスはあり ますか?
For me, I think Muslims themselves should do their best to help break the negative image in the media. By understanding each other better we can create a much more positive dialogue and interaction between us all.
Follow Arisa’s story on Instagram
Thank you very much to Arisa for taking the time to share her story with us. You can continue to follow Arisa’s journey on Instagram at @nurarisamaryam and also @japanesemuslimahinuk where she is sharing her revert story in the form of manga.
Please share your thoughts on today’s interview in the comments section below. Was this your first time to read about a Japanese person becoming Muslim? Did it change your thinking about Islam in Japan? What is the Islamic community like where you live?
Japanese and English answers provided by Nur Arisa Maryam. 日本語及び英語の回答はNur Arisa Maryamにて提供。Images/画像:©Nur Arisa Maryam
Other Japanese translations by Kaori @kkkkkkkaori. その他はKaoriにて日本語訳。
Mimo Mango
Tuesday 10th of July 2018
This interview was very beautiful. I am a Muslima too, but living in an Islamic Arab country. I was very interested in Nur Amrisa Maryam's story. I wanted to know what it's like being a Muslim in different societies and cultures. I wish her luck and may Allah bless and continue to guide you, sister <3
Les Petits Pas de Juls
Monday 27th of November 2017
Fantastic piece! Thanks for always taking us one step further in understanding and discovering each other! May Arisa's life be bountiful and her dreams come true!
Stefanie What
Sunday 26th of November 2017
This was a really fascinating read! I wish her well as she continues this spiritual journey.