To achieve these fun results, it is a simple matter of, given you have the right gear, re-focusing during a long exposure shot.
In either Manual or Shutter Priority mode, set the exposure to between 1 to 2 seconds (experiment a little).
Set the ISO to 100 to avoid over-exposure and, if in Manual mode, set the aperture to the the lowest f/ value available to start with and adjust upward as required.
Using a short to medium telephoto lens, start out-of-focus, press the shutter and quickly re-focus during the explosion.
Using a tripod helps to get smooth shapes but hand-holding can also work to create interesting effects.
Les Petits Pas de Juls
Wednesday 1st of January 2014
Interesting! I have no idea if there will be fireworks tonight where we are (aka in the middle of almost nowhere in Southern Patagonia!) but if so, I'll have to give it a try!
Happy New Year! And Happy Trails to both of you! Enjoy!
Hai Huynh
Monday 23rd of June 2014
Happy New Year! Better 7 months late than never, sorry about that. How'd you go? Did you get any weird shots of fireworks?